
Joy Factory Virtual Workshop

  • You have probably heard of the term ‘positive psychology’ on TV, social media or even in fashion magazines. But what is it really? What does it stand for?

    Join us for a special interactive workshop that will empower you with your pre-existing tools. Find true happiness by having more peace of mind, develop healthier lifestyles, and ultimately thrive in a world that often feels negative and out of control. Exclusive for women!

    Plus enjoy a hand delivered package of JOY for each participant!

    $10 courvert and zoom link
    $15 special package of joy + zoom link
    Join us for an evening you won't forget!

    Using the tools of Positive Psychology, as well as the teachings of Torah and Chassidus, Raizel Schusterman, a PPP (Positive Psychology Practitioner),and a positive psychology-based life coach who is a  mother of seven, in addition to being a Chabad shlucha for more than 20 years will show you that YOU have all the tools you need to flourish in a joyful manner.
    Join us for an interactive workshop that will empower you!
    zoom link to emailed separately prior to the event. 
  • Please enter $10 or $15 based on your selection. Additional donations and sponsorships welcome.

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