Support us: NEW: Secure info & donation Forms! 
We are a very not-for-profit, tax-exempt institution 501(c)3.
Our programs are supported exclusively by the generosity of local families, individuals and businesses, and there are many ways for you to join this family of supporters.
To simply donate: You can mail us a check or fill out the credit card form and send. Click on Picture!
Or Paypal click on logo
Chai Club: The chai club is an exclusive way for everyone to be a supporter regardless of your means. Basically you can either send us a bunch of postdated checks your credit card information (number and expriration date) in increments of "chai" "18" or "Life" $18, $36, ...$180, $1800 etc. To do so click here...
Chabad Wish List: There are many items that we need for our organizations survival and perhaps you may just have an extra one lying around or the ability to procure one for fairly inexexpensive... for eg. A New Computer, A Torah, certain furniture items etc.
Car Donations: To donate online click and please make clear that you are donating to Chabad of Peabody or E-mail [email protected] for more info.
Property donations: E-mail [email protected] for more info.
Stock donations: E-mail [email protected] for more info.
Calander ads: E-mail [email protected] for more info.