High Holiday Reservations - JewishPeabody.com
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High Holidays Schedule and Reservation

  • Please consider making an optional donation.
    Minimum suggested donation is $100 per adult and $50 per child. 

    Kiddush sponsorship or partial sponsorship is $360, $180 or other.
    Break the Fast sponsorship or partial is $500, $360, $180 or other.

    Other sponsorship opportunities are also listed below 

    Thank you.

  • (Note: When selecting "Please reserve my seat, I do not want to make a donation at this time."
    The submission response text may indicate a price paid/ to be paid, but we can assure you that you will NOT be charged for the amount specified. Thank you!)

  • If you would like to reserve your seat/s but would like to make a smaller donation than the suggested donation amount:
    Kindly check the "Please reserve my seat, I do not want to make a donation at this time" box and submit your registration.

    You may send your intended donation amount through the Secure Donate Form by clicking this link and indicating that the donation is for the High Holidays in the Dedication Details. Thank you!

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