wish list

Our New Chabad Jewish Center is constantly looking for ways to create a warm, welcoming place where everyone can feel at home. Before the close of this building campaign we would like to do some renovations to make our center more inviting. We are also in need of some items so that the Center can be more comfortable. Some prices are listed. Please consider donating an item on our wish list. Thank you to all those who have already chosen items to donate and have made general do

Sprinkler System $60,000.00
Professional Architect Services - $5000.00

Bimah/Cover (Torah Reading Stand) Bima 5000.00 - Cover $3600.00 (cover purchased)
Memorial Wall (plaques are sold in memory of loved ones) - $10,000.00
100 Sanctuary Chairs - $50 each - $5000.00 (50 purchased)
50 folding Chairs - $20 each 1000.00
6 folding tables - $50 each
3 Large Bookshelves - $700 each (one purchased)
2 Small Bookshelves - $100 each
Picture and Frame for Painting of The Rebbe $1000
Event Bulletin Board - $250 Siddurim - $40 each (30 needed)
Machzor for Rosh Hashona-$40 each (30 needed) (10 purchased)
Machzor for Yom Kippur- $40.00 each (50 needed) (10 purchased)
Building Toys- (like legos) (New ones - in Packages only)
Cabinet with Doors & a Lock to store items for Children programs

Washing Station - $1000
Overhead Projector - $500
Video Monitor Vacuum- 350$

New Kosher Oven - $1,000
New Koshere Refrigerator- 1000$
New Kosher microwave- 350$
Kitchen utensils- 500$
Kitchen pots & pans- 800$

Administrative Office:
Computer $800
Printer $400
Scanner $600

To help with any of the above, please email Rabbi Schusterman at [email protected] to discuss the best plan of action.