THank You & Donors

Dear Friends,

We are all watching Chabad of Peabody transform right before our eyes! The expansion, growth and renovations would not have been possible without your time and generosity. We are so grateful for all of the support from each of you. We are humbled by your kindness, and are truly appreciative in your willingness to serve, in any way that you are able to.

Please accept a warm and heartfelt “Todah Raba” - Thank You! Please know how your giving in your way, made all the difference.

With Gratitude,
Rabbi Nechemia and Raizel Schusterman

We thank our generous donors (this list is updated ever 72 hours)

In Formation:


Chuck and Dana Abel

Samual and Myra Aksler 

Allen and Deana Alevy

David and Jackie Ankeles 

Steve and Susan Batsinelas

Robert & Roberta Bayne 

Ruth Ann Beagly 

George & Stephanie Beilin

Lin Bell

Robert  Berman

Chuck & Christy Blend

Yitzchok and Miriam Blue

 Phillip & Miriam Blue

Sheldon and Fran Brown 

Jeffrey & Cassie Bruner

Steven & Roberta Bruner 

Dovid Bush

Norma  Butter

Howard and Francine Cook 

Justin & Molly Cook

Marcia  Cohen

George & Bonnie Cohen

Charles and Sheila Cohen 

Suzanne Dantowitz

Geoffrey & Allison Davis

Richard & Susan Dinkin

Steve and Elaine Doroff 

Charles and Darlene Drutman 

Zipora Feiner

Attorney Barry Feinstein

Barry & Gail Falkoff 

Alan and Jane Finger

Danny & Rifka Fishman

William & Amy Flaxer

Jeff and Amy Feinberg

William and Judith Feiner

Nachman Forer


David & Jacqueline Forman

Craig and Estee Dorfman Foster 

Ron & Joan Fox In Memory of Lesley Fox Denny 

Brand and Stacey Gainor 

Alex & Bella Gans

Sholom & Sheindel Glick

David & Lois Glickman 

Cheryl & Kenneth Goldstein

Gary & Dale Goldstein

Joseph  Gorowitz

Richard & Judi Herman

Elliot Hershoff

Francine Hinchey 

Leonard & Marcia Hillman 

Bernie & Anita Horowitz

Richard and Dina Israelson 

Rachel Jacobson

Gail Kalfin 

Sydney and Stephen Kaplan

Joel and Marion Kaplan 

Joshua & Cara Kepnes

Harold & Eileen Kepnes

Adele Kirby 

Tim and Nanci King 

Howard Koiles 

Joel & Lois Kornitsky

Mendy & Leahle Levertov

Maxim & Kara Liberman

Vladimir and Becky Liberman

Andy and Stacey Lurie 

Bruce & Debbie MacGregor 

Mario & Cheryl Makhluf

Joel & Karen Makhluf 

Larry and Jodie Malatzky 

Steve and Amy Malcolm

Elliot & Caryl Margolis 

Paul Marmer

Iris Meltzer

Cynthia Michaels 

David and Harriet Moldau 

Mr. Mel Nascik 

Alicia Newman

Rami and Phyllis Osher

Bruce & Rachel Palmacci 

Michael & Brooke Rogers

Jerry and Barbara Rosman 

Sam Newman & Israel Schochat        

John Soderblom       

Meir & D.L. Palace

Stan & Debbie Paul

Ronnie & Tayla Paul

Esriel & Gitty Rappaport

Alan & Sandy Rosenbaum

Michael & Judith Rosenthal

Burt & DonnaLee Rubin

Jeff and Robin Rubin 

Marc and Sydell Sandler 

Lois Sargent 

MIton Dushane and Gladys Saslaw 

Shelley Schorr 

Berel & Fraidy Schusterman

Gerson & Chana Rochel Schusterman

Jeff & Lynn Shapiro

Deborah & Morris Simon

Andrew Slabin

Chester Sparks

Stuart and Ronda Spitzer 

Haviv & Sandy Shaul

Stanley and Sandra Simon 

Ronda and Jerry Sirot

Carol Stone

Douglas and Susan Stone 

Adom Ratner-Stauber

David & Rivka Teich

Ronna & Stuart Tuttle 

Frank & Roberta Vigor

Michael & Lindsay Weiss 

Marcia Wagner White

Ellen Winschel and Family 

Warren Waugh

Gilda Winocour 

Aron Weingarten 

Audrey Yanco 

Mark and Cindy Yanofsky 

Nathan Zeller

Mark & Wendy Zunick