Join the Campaign

Our building capital-campaign is off to a terrific start, but your generous financial assistance is still needed in order for this invaluable addition to our community to become a reality.

Your donation to the Building Fund will support, celebrate and sustain our faith and culture in the Peabody area.
We thank you from the depths of our heart for your attention, energy and contribution to this very with cause.

We are grateful for any support you can give. Gifts of $540 and above will receive a listing on the Tribute board, gifts of $1800 and above will receive a "Leaf" on the Tribute board and gifts of $10,000.00 and above will receive a special "Acorn Plaque" on the Tribute Board


Dedication & Memorial Opportunities





$50,000 - 1 Reserved























Monthly Sunstainers

$6,000 - 12 Available


I will donate on a monthly recurring basis for the next 

Name of Month/Half Month


Pledge Information
I am/we are pleased to participate in the establishment of the new Chabad Center of Peabody. I/We hereby pledge to give the sum of $  to the building campaign. I/We have delineated above the dedication(s) we have selected for our pledge.

The payment method I/we prefer is: 
installments of each.

We will pay by:  

Personal Information
Please complete your contact info here: