JBN Peabody

The Jewish Business Network of Peabody will be holding aprx 7 meetings throughout the year. The meetings will rotate with two different systems of networking and a speaker each third session. At each session there will be networking & socializing time so that participants can build connections & friendships.

Timing for individual networking pitch time and speakers will be maintained in order to ensure smooth and productive meetings. At two out of every three sessions at least one individual will have the opportunity to make an in depth 10 minute presentation about his or her business. We are open to suggestions to speakers of interest for every third meeting and would love to hear your input.

Members business commercials will be timed at 15-20 (depending on size of crowd) which will allow all members to have an opportunity to speak and we can end the meeting at 9:00 PM with time for socializing and networking.

The annual membership fee for JBN of Peaobdy is currenlty free however there will be a per session fee.

We are seeking someone to manage the Linkedin and Facebook groups and help to maximize the benefits to members through the use of Social Media.

Meetings will be held at the Chabad Center, with some exceptions. Meetings will begin at 7:30 pm and end at 9:30 pm. The Chabad Center will be open at 7:15 pm for members to come early and network

Members will enjoy the benefits of monthly business meetings, referrals from other members, a listing on our online sites, LinkedIn and Facebook, and an opportunity to socialize with other business people in the Jewish community.

If you are unemployed and looking for work or to network or discuss ideas please come along and visit the JBN and hopefully this can be of help to you. The JBN is open to waiving its fees in these or other extenuating circumstances.

SIGN UP click here